Tuesday, September 16, 2008


What are some of the diffucults trying to make your periodic table of elements?


The Thrill said...

Trying to make sure that we dont forget anything. Figuring out how big its going to be. Where to put allof the elements. How we are going to label them.

Matt G said...

one is the color if it. how to label it. how big they are.

crystaldragon said...

the order and cut out the elements the same size. getting things done with two books.

matt said...

Trying to make sure we got all the elements. Trying to make them fit on the board. What order the elements need to go in.

chelsea said...

It's kind of hard to figure out the size of the squares and where to put them. You also have to make sure you don't forget any. You have to remember to write everything on them.

Kendall said...

We have to make sure we dont forget any of the things we need to put on each element. We also needed to decide how big each square needed to be to make the table as big as possible. We also needed to figure out which order to put them in.

Kayla said...

Its hard to put all the parts together. Its hard to make sure you every element and the right color in the right spot. Its hard to make sure that you have all the elements.

Bierman said...

It was tough to figure out what size the boxes should be. There is a lot of stuff to write down. It is very hard stuff to spell.

chris said...

Our groups cut our boxes out a little to big. We had a little trouble trying to get them to all fit on the page. And, to make sure that we cut out the correct number of squares.

SMAX said...

One is trying to make sure we dont forget any. Trying to make it look good. Trying to make everything the right size.