Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Easy blog

Lets do an easy blog today. What was something that you did over your first three day weekend?


matt said...

I went to football practice. We watched tape on the game. We did a terrible drill.

Anonymous said...

I worked on Saturday and Sunday. I went to v-ball practice on Monday. I also broke my car on Saturday.

chelsea said...

On Saturday I went to Ipswich with my dear friend Amanda. We got to hang out with a lot of friends. Sunday my family went out to the cabin at Richmond.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Well, I went to Ipswich with my pretty amazing friend Chelsea! We hung out with some friends and had an awesome time there! Then on Sunday I went to church and then I went to a movie with Taylor and Kayla. I went to House Bunny and I think that is a pretty funny movie. I liked it.

Bierman said...

I went to the football game on friday. I went to football practice on Monday. I watched TV on Sunday.

Kayla said...

i went to the foot ball game. I went to house bunny with amanda and taylor. I went to tylers house for awhile.

The Thrill said...

Well this weekend i was at the state fair. I did a variety of things this weekend. I showed steers. I also went to a 4h dance too. It was a fun weekend.

Kendall said...

This weekend i sat around my house. On Monday i had practice.it was easy.

!*Liz*! said...

This weekend I went to the state fair. I had to perform 5 times. There was a dance saturday night that i went to and then sunday i went to madison. then i came home for practice on monday.

chris said...

I went to watertown. I went to cross counrty practice. I went to bed.

crystaldragon said...

I helped my mom get the paint for the boys' rooms. two colors a room. wierd distine they picked.

Matt G said...

I played on the computer. I did my home work. I when to up town.

bean said...

hi everyone. this weekend i went to my sisters for a bday party. we needed a way to start crap on fire and we used gas lots of gas. it started on fire and exploded and started the straw on fire. thats about all i did. gil hi gil gil gil hi hi gil

rach said...

hix!! oh my gosh!!! my weekend was VERY INTERESTING!!! i went to mt rushmore for the first time ever!! it was very interesting...and i went to rapid city and pierre for the first time and to spearfish!1 i've never been on the other side of the river before....ohhh gosh...my aunts van over heated...the fan belt snapped, the water pump went out AND the headgasket went out ALSO!! we had to stay in eagle butte..luckily we had some family there...it was VERY SCARY!!!

Tiffany said...

I went to Belle Fourche and visited my family. I also went shopping in Rapid City.