Friday, September 12, 2008


What type of article did you pick out yesterday? What did you learn from it?


Tiffany said...

I picked out an article about dinosaur found in Mongolia. The Mongolian government is having problems storing all of the fossils they find. Before Mongolia became democratic in '92 thier communist government was going to build a special facility for the fossils, but obviously, that didn't happen. The palentologists are hopeful that the new democratic government will get around to it soon.

crystaldragon said...

I picked an article about a sun-power and wind powered sailboat that they makeing. It will not poplute the everiroment.

Anonymous said...

I picked an article about a boy who stopped talking. He started out talking just like any other toddler. Then all of a sudden he just stopped talking. He wouldn't interact with other little kids. He kept to him self and was very affectionate to his parents. They thought that he was autistic, but not all of the characteristics of autism fit what he would do.

matt said...

I picked out an article that talked about an airplane. I learned how it was a private jet and sold for millions of dollars. It also is changing the fuel economy on plains.

Bierman said...

I read about balls. There is a gun that shoots balls of pepper spray. I learned that when i run from the law i should watch out for pepper balls.

The Thrill said...

I picked out an article about cooking. It shows you how to cook the perfect egg. It talks about how science has improved the cooking world.

chris said...

I picked an article about coal. It pretty much talke about how coal is polluting the environment. It also talked about what we could in place of coal.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Well, I was looking through the magazine and was reading the skin article one. I learned about sweat, your skin, the skin in the dust, and oversized sweat glands. It was pretty interesting but I don't think I can use that.

Kendall said...

I learned about these new cars that are coming out for the future. Some of these cars include a circle car which is made for one person. They also have a new truck that transforms from a compact car to a truck by the box extending out.

Kayla said...

i picked the All Sonic No Boom. Its about a quiet super sonic jet. I learned that it cost 25 Million dollars to make and its very safe.

Kayla said...

i picked the All Sonic No Boom. Its about a quiet super sonic jet. I learned that it cost 25 Million dollars to make and its very safe.

bean said...

i havent picked one yet. i think i might to do boob one. its about what boobs really are.

Matt G said...

i piked populor sci. it was called Stop, Drop, and Roll. it was on fire fiting rodot.

rach said...

i picked out an article in scientific america. my article is called keys to climate protection. also that immediate commitment to nurturing new technologies is essential to averting disatrous global warming. my carticle is by jeffrey d. sachs.

chelsea said...

I picked out the article called "Dead Men Walking". It's about soldiers suffering brain trauma over in Iraq. It also talks about the surgeons and the medical expenses that go along with it.