Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Green Houses

What does it mean to have a green building? What is your idea of a green house?


crystaldragon said...

a green house is to have a house that is an evorinment friendly. energy effesat.

matt said...

It means that you have a house that emits little to no greenhouse gases. You also are not hurting the environment in anyway of you house being there. I think that a green house uses solar, wind, and other sources to create energy.

bean said...

its saying your house doesnt use alot of energy. it is very friendly. and a green house is a place that plants are grown in.

chelsea said...

To have a green building is ot have an environment- friendly building. It has all recycled items and uses solar power possibly. A green house to me would have plants in it and be environmental friendly with recycled things. --> like Leonardo DiCaprio's new house.

Kendall said...

A green building is a building that is environmentally friendly. It has all natural elements. It is also energy efficient.

rach said...

to have a green building means to have a house that emits little to no greenhouse gases. you wouldnt be huring the environment in anyway possible. my idea of a green house is a house thing that has tons and tons of plants and what not in the house and uses solar, and wind, and cources to produce energy.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Having a green building means that it gets rid of like no greenhouse gases. That means you arent hurting the environment either. I think that the houses are "Go Green". They help the environment.

chris said...

It means that you have a building with little or no emissions. I think that a green building that uses electrity efficiently. It also can use other ways like solar energy to power it.

!*Liz*! said...

A green building has no green house gases. It's totally clean for plants to grow. It's very energy efficient and environment friendly. I think a green house has lots of plants and uses solar power.

Tiffany said...

A green building is an environmentally friendly building. A green house (in my opinion) is one that recycles, uses very little energy, and is very close to self-sufficent (for heat and electricity).

SMAX said...

a house that is environmentally friendly. i think of a green house for plants. i know that is the wrong term but o well.

The Thrill said...

A green building is a building that is extrmely efficient. They make alot of different varieties. You are not hurting the enviroment. You can use different elements to help for green houses.

rach said...

A greenhouse is built with environmentaly friendly materials. The greenhouse is also very energy efficient because of this. Most greenhouses that we know about are used to raise plants and stuff like that.

Bierman said...

It is an environmentaly friendly house. They make there own energy. They dont polute the air.