Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Metric System

Why do we have to use the metric system when working with science?


The Thrill said...

We use it so that everyone, has the same thing. People in other countries can undertand our stuff. Metric is the universal measure.

Anonymous said...

The metric system is used all over the world. Everyone else knows the metric system. This way, everyone knows what we're talking about.

crystaldragon said...

we use it because that so we know how much the things wieght. the mount that was used in the experment.

chelsea said...

Science and research are being done all over the world so we all use the metric system so we have the same information. The rest of the world uses it except for us so of course we just use what they use. When we use the metric system everyone knows what everyone is talking about.

matt said...

We it because that is what the people in the textbook and in the lab use. It is also used all around the world. We use it so that everyone reading our experiment can understand it.

Kayla said...

The metric system is a universal measure. We use it so everyone in the world can understand it.Since science is being researched everywhere in the world its easiest if we all just use the metric system.

Bierman said...

We use so everyone in the world uses the same system. That way everyone gets the same thing. Then no one gets confused.

bean said...
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bean said...

because the people from other countries are to dumb to learn how to use the good kind. since we use thier way we can tell them how to figure things out that are to hard for them to. USA all the way

..::..Fair..::.. said...

We use the metric system because that is the universal measure system. Everyone in the whole world understands the metric system and we can share the same research with each other. It makes the research with other countries a lot easier.

Kendall said...

We use the metric system because it is a universal way of measuring. Now everyone is on the same page. It has been the way to measure in the rest of the world and the US is now starting to transfer over as well.

chris said...

We are the only country in the world that doesn't use the metric system. So we use to be on the same page as the rest of the world. Nobdy understans our system of measurement.

Tiffany said...

The metric system is the system of measurement used by most other countries, and it is also more accurate. By using the metric system it is easier to find a precedent in what you are studying for comparitive reasons.

Gil said...

we use the metric system in scince because other countries use it because they can follow along with everything we are doing. it is also someitmes easier to measure with becuase there are more ways to do it.

Matt G said...

It is so you or some one can repete the expairormint. That can deprove or prove the expairormint. So it can de the same in the atems at it.

smax said...

we try to use it so that everyone is the same. We dont use it alot because we are smart. We are the smartest country ever.

rach said...

we measure in the metric system when working in science b/c most scientists in the world use metric system.When its in th emetric system other people can understand it.US is the only place that doesnt have the metric system so we have to convert everything to it.

!*Liz*! said...

The metric system is a universal measuring scale. It's the same everywhere so people from other countries and place will understand. It's just a scientific term that scientists understand and use so they can be exact.