Wednesday, September 10, 2008


What are the different states of matter? What are there differences?


crystaldragon said...

liquid, solid, and gas. two you can see and one you can just smell. liquid is wet to the touch and can be different colors. solid is something hard and different colors.

matt said...

There is liquid, solid, and gas. Liquid and gas don't have the molecules as packed as a solid. A solid is also a lot harder then gas and a liquid.

matt said...

There is also plasma and that is in space.

Kayla said...

The state are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Plasma is in space. Gas and liquids have molecules that are more spaced out. A solid has close molecules that makes solids hard.

Kendall said...

The First state of matter is Solid which is somthing hard. Then there is a gas which you cant see but you can smell. The THere is a liquid which you can see and feel.

The Thrill said...

The different states are liquid, solid, and gas. You can see solids and liquids. You cant see gas. Solids are hard.

bean said...

they are solid liquid and gas. a solid is harder then a liquid. a gas is like air.

Bierman said...

The states are liquid, solid, and gas. Liquid the molecules are free. Solids are packed.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Solid, liquid, and gas are the different states of matter. Liquid is runny. Solids are hard. Gases are in the air. You can't see gas. Plasma is another one and that is in space.

P.S. Hix you used the wrong "there" (their) ha

chris said...

There are three different states of matter. They are solids, liquids, and gasses. Solids are harder than gasses and liquids. Gasses are not usually visible.

chelsea said...

They are liquid, solid, and gas. A solid is a hard material. In a gas and liquid the molecules move around more freely unlike a solid.

Anonymous said...

solid, liquid and gas.solids are hard. you can see liquids and solids. you can't see gas.

Matt G said...

there is liquid, solid, and gas. some way more. some change shape.

Tiffany said...

Liquid, solid, gas, and plasma. plasma only exists in stars, but all of the others exist on earth. a solid has tightly packed molecules.

rach said...

matter has different states. it has a solid state,in which the molecules are closed so its hard. There is liquid and gas, which their moleculs are more spaced out. there is also a plasma state, which is in space.