Monday, September 29, 2008


What kind of chemical reaction occurred in lab today? What did you learn from it?


matt said...

It created a reaction that caused the paper clip to oxidize or rust. It was neat because you could see the silver ions that broke away from the nitrate because of the copper. It shows that you can mix things together to break away portions of a chemical or a wire.

crystaldragon said...

it created a reaction of the sliver and the copper and made it rust. the copper wire changed colors and texure.

chelsea said...

The paper clip rusted which was a chemical reaction. It looked cool to see it turn black instantly in the new solution and then rust in the flame. The silver ions were kinda cool too.

rach said...

created a chemical reaction by oxidize and rusting of the paper clip. it was pretty interesting considering we watched how it was done right before our eyes. learned that you can mix substances together to break away portions of a chemical or a wire.

Kendall said...

It started to oxidize the copper and paperclip. It Made it turn into rust. When we filtered it we were able to see all the silver ions that had come off during the reaction which was cool.

The Thrill said...

It created a reaction that caused the paper clip to oxiodized or rust. It was neat because you could see the silver ions that broke way from the nitrate because of the copper. It shows that you can mix things together to break away a portion of a chemical or a wire.

SMAX said...

it created a reactin that caused the paper clip to oxidize or rust. it was cool cuz you could see the silver ions. i liked the lab.