Thursday, November 13, 2008


How is Pauli and what did he do for chemistry???


Kendall said...

Wolfgang Pauli was an Austrian physicist. He proposed the Pauli exclusion principle that states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital but only if the electrons have opposite spins. He proposed it after observing atoms in excited states.

The Thrill said...

He is an Austrain Physicists. He proposed principle of Pauli exclusion pricnicple. It states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital. It was a very important discoervy.

chris said...

He was an american physicist that was born in Austria. He proposed the exclusion principle. It states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital, but only if the electrons have opposite spins.

crystaldragon said...

He was an austrian physicist. He proposed this principle after observing atoms in excited states. The principle was the pauli exclusion principle.

Matt G said...

pauli was an austrian physicist. he made pauli exclusion pricnicple. it states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital.

bean said...

he was an austrian physicist. he proposed the pauli exclusion principle. it states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital but only if the electrons have oposite spins.

Bierman said...

He was an Austrian physicist. He observed atoms in excited states. He two electrons can be in an atom.

Tiffany said...

Pauli was an Austrian physicist. He came up with the Pauli exclusion principle. This priciple states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital but only if the electrons have opposite spins.

Kayla said...

He was an Austrian physicist. He proposed the Pauli exclusion principle.It states that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital but only if the electrons have opposite spins.

chelsea said...

Pauli was from Austria. Pauli proposed the principle that states that a max. of 2 electrons can occupy a single atomic orbital, but only if they have opposite spins. This is called the Pauli exlusion principle. He observed atoms in excited states.

matt said...

Pauli was a guy who an Austrian physicists that proposed that a maximum of two electrons may occupy an atomic orbital. This helped with the configuration of elements. He was a smart guy that proposed it afterseeing atoms in and excited state.

rach said...

pauli was an austrian physicist. proposed the pauli exclusion principle that states, that a maximum of two electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital. but only if the lectrons have opposite spins.

SMAX said...

He was an Austrian physicist. He observed atoms in excited states. He two electrons can be in an atom.