Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Gas Pressure

From the two labs yesterday's and today's what have you learned about the relationship between pressure and temperature. Why/How did the gas in the bottle change so much and what would have happened if a pure gas was in the bottle instead of just plain air?


jacob ochsner said...

The temperature of the gas varies directly to the pressure that it creates. This is because when the becomes hotter it expands and creates a higher presure. When it gets colder the gas compresses and the presure inside of the beaker is less than the presure outside of the beaker.

Turbo_18 said...

When we put in ethonal and methonal the gas pressure changed. And it also variies by the different temps of water.

tyler haaland said...

Pressure goes uppity up while the pressure goes up too. The reason the pressure gets higher is because it expands to the temperature. Nothing would happen

aaron peterson said...

As the temperature increases so does the pressure. Also different liquids in the same temperatures will have different pressures. In more scientific terms, the pressures varies directly as the temperature.

bertsch said...

The temperature of gas varies directly to the pressure it creates. when it is heated it is expanded. WHne it is cooled it contracts.

BiG Goehring said...

The different temperatures make the pressure higher or lower. The hotter the water the higher the pressure because of expansion. Its opposite when its colder.

Reeber said...

The thing when it is in the cold water, it has less pressure. When the water is hotter there is more pressure. The ethinol and methinol had an affect on making the pressure higher.

amanda said...

When the temp goes up so does the pressure. The gas increased the pressure. It would raise the temp. a lot probably.

kelseyr. said...

When the gas pressure goes up, the temperature goes up. This is because when the air becomes hotter and expands, therefore creating a higher pressure. When it gets cold, the air compresses.

Kelsey M. said...

The temperature and pressure are related. When the one goes up the other goes up. The temperature helps the pressure expand and contract.

streckfuss said...

The temperature and the gas relate to one another. When it becomes hotter it creates more pressure. When it gets cold there is less pressure. The pressure inside of the beaker is less than that outside of the beaker.

tara said...

The temperature of gas is directly in the pressure that it creates. The pressure is the amount created inside of the object. It depends what kind of liquid you put into the pressure goin into the object.

karlen said...

Pressure goes up as the the temperature goes up. The reason the pressure gets higher is because it expands with the temperature of the liquid it is in. So basically the pressure varies directly as the heat goes up.

junger said...

The temp has alot to do with it in the water. In warmer water it makes the preasure go up. In cold water the gas compresses.

Taylor S. Armstrong said...

The temperature of gases varies directly to the pressure that it creates. The hotter it expands and creates a higher preusre is why. The gas compresses and the presure inside of the beaker is less the presure outside of the beaker when it colder.

Anonymous said...

The temperature makes the pressure increase. Different gasses react different with temperature. The methanol and ethanol changed the pressure inside of flask. It's different with different gases than with plain air.