Monday, April 21, 2008

Boyle's Law

Explain how Boyle's Law relates to breathing in and out.


kelseyr. said...

Boyle's law states that the volume of a given amoung of gas held at a comstant temperature varies inversely with the pressure. When you breath in the volume and pressure both go up. It varies inversely. When you exhale the pressure goes down.

Reeber said...

Boyles law is very important in the descent and ascent of diving. Without it, snorkeling is useless equipment. It basically has to do with the amount of pressure in the water.

amanda said...

Boyle's Law states that the volume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temp varies inversely with the pressure. This law relates to breathing in and out. It relates by temp and pressure like breathing in and out.

Richard said...

Boyle's law states the the vlume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temperature varies inversely with the pressure. So whne you breath the volume and pressure goes up. when you exhale they both go down.

mike goetz said...

As our lungs expaned and contract we breath in and out this funtion is the same princible in his expariments and our body also stays at a consant temp

streckfuss said...

Boyles law says that volume of a given amount of gas held at a constatn temp. varies inversley with the pressure. This law is very important. It deals somewhat with the amount of pressure in the water.

karlen said...

One of the important things that we use boyles law for is diving. His law states that the volume of a given amoung of gas held at a constant temperature varies inveresly with the pressure. Breathing in makes the pressure go up and brething out makes the pressure go down.

tyler haaland said...

BOyle's law says that the volume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temperature varies inversely with the pressure. When the volume goes up, the pressure goes down. Volume is mesures in liters. The pressure is in atm's.

bertsch said...

This law states that the volume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temp. varies inversely as teh pressure. INhale prssure goes up. WHen you exhale the pressure goes down.

Rylee said...

Boyle's law relates with breathing in because the volume goes up while the pressure also goes up. When you breathe out the pressure goes down. So they vary inversly.

aaron peterson said...

Boyle's Law states that the volume of an amount varies inversely with the pressure and temperature. When you breathe in and out the pressure increases outside the body and decreases inside the lungs. This works the same when you breathe in only vise versa.

BiG Goehring said...

Boyle's law is the volume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temp. varies inversely with pressure. Breathing in your volume and pressure both go up. Then when you exhale the pressure goes down.

junger said...

Boyles law says that there is a constant temp and the vressure varies inversley. When you breath in that means that the volume and preasure both go up.

Kelsey M. said...

Boyle's law states that the volume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temperature varies inversely with the pressure. As the volume goes up the pressure goes up. When you breath in the volume goes up so the pressure goes up and when you breath out the volume decreases so the pressure goes down.

Taylor S. Armstrong said...

Boyle's law states that the volume of a given amount of gas held at a comstant temp. varies inversely with the pressure. Volume and pressure both go up if you breath them in. When you exhale the pressure goes down.

tara said...

Boyles Law shows that the volume of an amount of gas is constant at a constant temperature. It shows the temperatures that your breathing in and out has to do with. Therefore making this law very important.

Turbo_18 said...

It depends on the amount of gas that is held in. The volume and pressure go up with u breathe. But when the volume and pressure go down when you exhale the air.

jacob ochsner said...

This law states that the volume of an amount varies inversely with the pressure and temperature. When you breathe in and out the pressure increases outside the body and decreases inside the lungs. This works the same when you breathe in only it is oposite.

Anonymous said...

Boyle's law states that the volume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temperature varies inversely with the pressure. When you breathe in the volume and pressure both go up. when you exhale, the pressure goes down.