Friday, April 11, 2008

Gas and Liquids

After doing the labs in the past week. What are you learned about gases and liquids that you didn't know about?


Reeber said...

The ones in the hot water are going to get more pressure. The ones in cold water gets some pressure, but a little bit less too. The ones with like ethynol and methynol or whatever it is causes a big change in the amount of pressure.

BiG Goehring said...

I learned that the hotter the water is the higher the pressure. The ones that are colder have a lower air pressure. Adding ethynol and methynol makes the pressure even higher.

tyler haaland said...

The hotter the water the higher the pressure is a good lesson learned. There is little pressure to cold water. It was realy simple and yet so intelligent.

tara said...

Different pressures and temperatures have a lot of effect on the liquids. The cold water and hot water also made a difference in the amount of pressure. THe hotter the water the higher the pressure.

karlen said...

My group learned that warmer the water is the higher that the pressure goes of the objects in the water. Than the ones that are colder than the hot ones have less pressure on the objects inside of them. Also when you add ethynol this make sthe pressure higher yet.

streckfuss said...

The ones with hot water are going to get mroe pressure. The colder ones will have less pressure. Adding ethenol and methynol makes the pressure even higher.

amanda said...

Different liquids evaporate at dofferent rates. The farther the liquids spread out the faster they evaporate.The higher the temp. is the higher the pressure.

Anonymous said...

Gasses and Liquids are different. I did not know that before doing the Labs. I learned all about how temperature affects pressure and how liquid affects presure inside a gas.

aaron peterson said...

I learned raising your temperature causes a rise in pressure. I also learned alcohol and methanol cause gaster evaporation rates. Most importantly though I learned temperature and pressure measure directly.

Kelsey M. said...

The higher the temperature of a liquid, the higher the pressure will be. If you have liquid inside the flask as well as outside the pressure rises. When the liquids heat up the molecules start to move faster.

jacob ochsner said...

we learned raising your temperature causes a rise in pressure. i also learned alcohol and methanol cause gaster evaporation rates. most importantly though i learned temperature and pressure measure directly.