Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who are these guys?

Who are Herman Kolbe and Felix Hoffman and what compound did they make?


BiG Goehring said...

Adolph Wilhelm Herman Kilbe was a German chemist. Felix Hoffman was also a German chemist who first synthesized medically useful forms of Heroin and Aspirin. They both end up making organic compunds.

Richard said...

Kolbe and Hoffman were German chemists. Hoffman was the first to synthisize forms of heroin and aspirin. both made organic compounds.

aaron peterson said...

Felix Hoffman was a German chemist. He synthesized the first useful medical forms of apsirin and heroin. Adolph Wilhelm Herman KIlbe developed the theory that organic compounds from inorganic ones. He proved this by acetic acid from carbon disulfide.

Reeber said...

Who are Felix Hoffman and Herman Kolbe. They areboth German chemists. Hoffman first synthesized different forms of heroin and Aspirin. They both made organic compounds

junger said...

They are both german chemist. Felix was the first to synthesise medical use forms of Heroin and Asprin. The both make compounds.

kelseyr. said...

The two men were German famous chemist. They both made organic compounds. Each proved different things to make this correct.

Kelsey M. said...

Both of these men were German chemists. They both made chemical compounds. Hoffman was the first to form aspirin and heroin.

tara said...

Adolph Kolbe was a German chemist. Felix Hoffman was also a known German chemist. They both made organic compounds.