Monday, February 4, 2008

What is this?

What is Combinatorial Chemistry and does it do?


tyler haaland said...

IN combinatorial chemistry, chemists use robots to put chemical building blocks together in every possible combination at the sam etime. This helps make making compounds faster. The robots help to speed the process so chemists make more than one compound per week.

streckfuss said...

Chemists use robots to put chemical building blocks together. This helps making compunds faster. It helps to speed the process up alot.

Anonymous said...

Chombinatorial chemistry is the rapid synthesis of elements over a computor, or something like that...It pretty much hypothesiss and predicts a whole bunch of different molecules and what they might be like really really fast. It's more of a mathatmatical science.

jacob ochsner said...

It is when computers make compounds. It makes it a lot faster. It helps to cut out the tedious work.

karlen said...
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karlen said...

Scientists use this when dealing with robots. This allows the scientists to make the compounds alot faster. It helps take out all of the stupid work out of the equations too.

aaron peterson said...

Combinatorial chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with large synthesis reactions. They hypothesize what will happen and then simulate it. These large reactions are mostly done on computers.

kelseyr. said...

Combinatorial chemistry is when robots put chemical compounds together. It makes compounds be figured out faster. The chemist use this to speed up the process of making compounds.

amanda said...

Combinatorial chemistry is when chemists use robots to put chemical compounds together. It makes it faster to solve. It is much easier and then we don't have to do all that work.

tara said...

A combinatorial chemistry is when the chemists can use robots to put chemical blocks together. This can make compounds faster. It is more of a mathematical science.

BiG Goehring said...

Combinatorial chemistry has to do with synthesis reactions. These are large and done on the computer.

bertsch said...

In Chombination chemsitry is the fast synthesis through a computer. It speeds up the process. It is a mathematical science.

junger said...

It is when you use computer tech to find compounds. You get the compounds much faster. It makes life alot easier for scientist and other people.

Taylor S. Armstrong said...

IN combinatorial chemistry, chemists use robots to put chemical building blocks together in every possible combination at the sam time. This helps make making compounds faster. The robots help to speed the process so chemists make more than one compound per week

Reeber said...

Chemists use robots to put chemical building blocks together. They are put into many different combinations. Theses speed up the process so chemists make more then one compound a week.

Rylee said...

When doing combinatorial chemistry the scienctists uses robot to help them. The robots put chemicals together to make combinations. They help by making compounds easier and faster.

Turbo_18 said...

Most Chemist use robots to put building blocks together. They are allowed to make alot faster. Its alot easier and quicker for us to get it done.

Mindy said...

combinatorial chemistry is when chemists use robots to combine chemical compounds. It makes it much easier, and also faster to solve.

Richard said...

combinatorial chemistry is using robots to put chmeical building blocks together. This helps to build things faster. If it wasn't for the robots we could only make one compound per week.

Kelsey M. said...

Combinatorial chemistry is when a computer makes compounds. It makes it a lot faster. This eliminates all of the small mistakes made.