Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Connection to Biology

Your body uses vitamins and minerals to create chemical reactions within the human body. What does the vitamin B-12 do for the human body?


Taylor S. Armstrong said...

Vitamin B-12 is mostly found in meat and dairy products. Vitamin B-12 helps make red blood cells and keeps your nervous system working properly.

BiG Goehring said...

Vitamin B-12 helps out the body so it runs in a normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and for the formation of blood. This is also involved in the metabolism of every cell in the body. This effects the DNA too.

Reeber said...

Vitamin B-12 helps the red blood cells. It helps the nervous system work properly. It can be found in foods like beef or meat and dairy products

kelseyr. said...

Vitamin B-12 helps the body stay healthy. It makes red blood cells and helps your nervous and respatory system. It effects the DNA that makes the chemical reaction.

jacob ochsner said...

B 12 has to be synthesised by bacteria. It is needed by the body. It is in the blood.

bertsch said...

B-12 is found in meat, dairy, and Roger Clemens. It makes the red blood cells and nervous system working corectly.

amanda said...

Vitamin B-12 is a vitamin usually found in your food. It helps make red blood cells. It also keeps your nervous system working properly.

Kelsey M. said...

Vitamin B-12 helps keep us healthy. It helps our read blood cells in our body. This is found in meant or dairy products.

aaron peterson said...

Vitamin B12 is used by your body for producing red blood cells. That is why the lack of B12 leads to anemia. Anemia is the lack of blood cells in the blood.

tara said...

Vitamin B-12 helps out red blood cells. It is involved in metabolism in every cell. This starts to effect the DNA also. It can also be found in meat and dairy products.

junger said...

B-12 helps with the blood system and helps it run more smoother, if thats a word. If your body lacks this it will lead to other problems in your body.

Anonymous said...

B-12 is used when your body feels frisky and decides to make some little red bloodcells. Sometimes people become anemic if they don't have enough b-12. It's found in meat and dairy and is one of the most common vitamins ever.

Rylee said...

Vitamin B-12 helps our brain and nervous system function. It also helps with the red blood cells. It also helps to make chemical reactions.

tyler haaland said...

Vitamin B-12 helps make red blood cells. ALl you have to do is eat meat and dairy products and you can have B-12. If effects the DNA.

mike goetz said...

B-12 helps with making the protiens that form red blood cells and has no ill efectes on your body so it is commely used as a placebo in medical research

Mindy said...

Vitamin B-12 helps your body make red blood cells, and it also helps your nervouse system working good. You can find B-12 in meat and dairy products.