Thursday, October 30, 2008


What is going on in this lab that we are working on yesterday and today???


Kayla said...

We are calculating the trajectory of an alpha particle as it passes near a gold atoms nucleus. We are estimating the size of a gold atoms nucleus. We are using x and y values.

bean said...

we are putting numbers in and getting numbers out. we are asking lots of questions. we are trying to find x and y.

chris said...

We were doing things with lpha particles. We had to do alot of math. We are trying to find x and y values.

rach said...

the lab we worked on today and yesterday was about something with alpha particles and how we did lots of confusing math stufff.. and we figured x and y values and we made a graph! =)

Bierman said...

We are calculating numbers. Then we are answering very hard questions. Then we plotted points on a graph.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

We are working with numbers and trying to fill out the chart thing. It is kind of confusing, but we kind of got it I think. We are dealing with alpha particles.

Kendall said...

We are trying to calculate the trajectory of an alpha particle. We are estimating the size of a gold atoms nucleus. We want to find x and y.

Tiffany said...

we are finding the trajectory of particles as they pass throught the nucleus of an atom. We have to estimate the size of the nucleus using x and y values. This is based on the gold foil experiment.

Tiffany said...
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Matt G said...

we had to do alote of math. ot estimating the size of a gold atoms nucleus. it was hard to do.

Gil said...

we did a lab. it was confusing. i helped draw a graph. we found x and y values.

chelsea said...

We were testing the gold foil experiment. We found the trajectory of the alpha particles. There was a lot of math involved.

The Thrill said...

WE are calculating stuff. We calculate it as it passes near a gold atomnucleaus. We are also estimatin the size of a nucleus.

SMAX said...

we did alot of math. i am very confused. mat tryied to teach me but it didnt work.