Monday, October 6, 2008


What is the structure of an atom?


Matt G said...

the structure of an atom is the atomikstructure. it gives the atom the stranth. if it does not work it has on stranth.

crystaldragon said...

the structure of an atom is the atomikstructure, and it gives the atom the stranth. if it doesn't work it has on stranth.

bean said...

the sturcture of an atom is atomikstructure. without that the atom has no sturcture. without a structure the atom will crash and probly die a bloody death

The Thrill said...

First of i liked to point out how all of crystals and matts words are spelled the exact same. The structure of an atom is its atomicsturcture. It is the smallest component of an element. It cannot be cut into any smaller piece.

matt said...

The structure of an atom is an atomicstructure. It makes the atom the smallest component of an element. It also is the smallest thing that has matter. It cannot be cut into pieces.

Kendall said...

The structure of an atom is the atomicstructure. It is the smallest component of an element. They can not be cut into smaller pieces

Anonymous said...

The structure is an atomicstructure. It is the smallest structure of an element. It can't be cut any smaller.

Bierman said...

The structure of an atom is atomicstructure. The wouldnt work without it. It is the smallest component of an element.

Kayla said...

The structure of an atom is an atomicstructure. It makes the atom the smallest component of an element. Its the smallest thing that has matter.

chelsea said...

The atomicstructure is the structure of an atom. This is the smallest component in an element. You can cut the atom any smaller.

rach said...

The structure of an atom is known as the atomicstructure. It is one of the smallest components of an element. It is not able to be cut down any smaller than it already is.