Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mole ratio

Why do you need to balance a chemical equation to find out the ratio of the number of moles between products and reactants?


The Thrill said...

So that you get the correct conversion. Also you need to do it so the correct things cancel out. IT is very important to cancel out. If you dont it wont work properly.

SMAX said...

so that u get the correct coversions. u need the correct conversions. ur answer will be right if u have the correct conversions.

Kendall said...

You need to balance it so you get the right conversion. You also need to balance it right so the correct things cancel out. If you dont cancel things out than it will be a big mess and you wont get the right conversion.

Bierman said...

So you get the conversions right. If you dont have the right conversions you will have the wrong conversions. It is important to have the right conversion.

chris said...

This way you get the right conversion. You need do it correctly so you get the right things to cancel out. It you dont cancel correctly it won't work properly.

crystaldragon said...

It is so that you can get the conversion correct. you can also need to the correct things to cancel out.

bean said...

they do that so that you get the right conversion. that would be the correct conversion. you want it to be right so it all works out.