Thursday, January 22, 2009


What is the point of naming compounds?


The Thrill said...

The point is so we know what they are. This isjust important so scienteist dont get stuff mixed up. Getting things mixed up could be very bad.

Kendall said...

We name compounds so we know what they are. We need to know what they are so then we wont mix them up with other compounds. If we dont know what they are than that would be bad.

chris said...

The point is so that we can identify different elements. This prevents you from mixing up elements. Mixing up elements could be detrimental to an experiment.

SMAX said...

so that you know what they r. if you idnt know what they were it would be a mess. You would get every thing all mixed up.

Anonymous said...

It gives then a name so that it isn't just a jumble of numbers and letters. It is easier to know what it is with a word than letters and numbers. Numbers and letters are easier to get mixed up than words.

crystaldragon said...

To know what their are and were they going in life. like what chemicals they are put into or create.

bean said...

so we know what they are. that way we dont have to know what letters and numbers are we can find the names. so we dont mix wrong things.

Bierman said...

If you name the compounds you know one compound from the other. That way there are several different elements. The science world would be terrible if we got them mixed up.

Tiffany said...

The point of naming compounds is to be able to tell the difference between them. It is important that the scientists know the difference. replacing a harmless compound with an acid could severly harm someone.

Matt G said...

so we know what the formuluis. it on all impotent to me.