Monday, December 1, 2008


What are the trends in atomic radius for the periodic table??


chelsea said...

Within the groups the 1st ionization energies decrease as you move down a group. The radius decreases becaus the atomic size increases. In the periods the 1st ionization energies generally increase as you move left to right across a period.

matt said...

As you move from left to right the atomic radius decreases in a period. Atomic radius increases as you move down on a group though. The nuclear charge also increases and electrons are added to succesfuly higher principal energy levels.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

The Electron Cloud surrounding the nucleus is based on probability and does't have a clearly defined edge. It decreases in atomic radaii as you move left to right on table. This is because the atomic size increases.

The Thrill said...

They decrease as you move down a group. This is because the atomic size increases. The ionization energies increase from left to right on the table.

chris said...

The Atomic radius has trends in periods and in groups. As you move left to right the atomic radius decreaces. Atomic radius generally increases as you move down a group.

bean said...

Within the groups the 1st ionization energies decrease when you move down. it decreases because the atomic size increases. In the periods the first ionization energies increase as you move left to right.

Anonymous said...

When you move to the left to the right, the atomic radius decreases in a period. When you move down, the atomic radius increases. Nuclear charge increases too.

Kendall said...

In the groups, the ionization energy decreases as you move down through each different group. It decreases because the atomic size increases. Then as you move from left to right in the periods, the ionization energy decreases.

rach said...

the trends in atomic radius for the periodic table are in groups. as move from left to right the atomic radius decreases. but as atomic radius increases as you move down a group.

Bierman said...

When you move from the left to the right the atomic radius decreases. In ionization energies increase as you move left across a period. These are the trends that occur.

!*Liz*! said...

There is a decrease in atomic radii as you move left- to- right across a period. It is caused by the increasing positive charge in the nucleus. It also does this because of the fact that the principal energy level in a period stays the same.

crystaldragon said...

The electron could surrounding a nucleus is based on probability. Does not have a clearly defined as the spherical surface within which there is a 90% probability of finding an electron. However, this is surface does not exist in a physical way, as the outer surface of a golf ball does.

Matt G said...

as you move from left to right the atomic radius decreases in a period. the atomic radius increases. nuclear charge also increases and electrons.

Tiffany said...

when you move left to right on the periodic table, the atomic radius decreases. as you move down on a periodic table, the atomic radius increases. The nuclear charge increases as well.

Kayla said...

As you move from left to right the atomic radius decreases. It decreases because the atomic size increases. It increases as you move down on a group.

bean said...

how are we going to blog if you never put a new one on

SMAX said...

The Electron Cloud surrounding the nucleus is based on probability and does't have a clearly defined edge. It decreases in atomic radaii as you move left to right on table. This is because the atomic size increases.