We use it so we don't have to write large numbers out and take all the time to count decimal places. It is a quicker way so we can find the answer at the end and if we need to then we can just right the end answer out. We should write it in scientific notation also so that we can avoid swrew ups in the math portion of the problem.
Scientific Notation takes less time and room to write the number. Also some numbers are so small or so big that they would take up too much room. If you write out the whole thing there is more chance for error also.
We use scientific notation so we dont have to write large numbers out. Then we can also write the extremely small numbers out easily too. It can help us avoid screwing up as we write the problem.
We use scientific notation to make huge numbers smaller and easier to read. It's a lot easier to write 1 to 5 numbers than 18 numbers. It's also easier to do it mathmatically too. It'd would be more precise to write it all out but it doesn't really matter.
use scientific notation so we dont have to use such large numbers. w/scientific notation we can also right really small numbers out so they're not so many zeros. it would be more precise to write it all out but it doesn't really matter, i think so anyway.
We use it so we don't have to write large numbers out and take all the time to count decimal places. It is a quicker way so we can find the answer at the end and if we need to then we can just right the end answer out. We should write it in scientific notation also so that we can avoid swrew ups in the math portion of the problem.
we use it so that to write large numbers on paper and take all the time to count the decimal places. it is a quicker way to find the number.
Scientific Notation takes less time and room to write the number. Also some numbers are so small or so big that they would take up too much room. If you write out the whole thing there is more chance for error also.
We use scientific notation so we dont have to write large numbers out. Then we can also write the extremely small numbers out easily too. It can help us avoid screwing up as we write the problem.
We use scientific notation to make huge numbers smaller and easier to read. It's a lot easier to write 1 to 5 numbers than 18 numbers. It's also easier to do it mathmatically too. It'd would be more precise to write it all out but it doesn't really matter.
so it does not take all of the space. it does not mater if you do it normall then scienctific notation. it ia gist faster with scienctific notation.
We deal with large and small numbers all the time. IT just makes it simpler to deal with. It is the exact same number just written a different way.
We use it because it is shorter and easier. It wouldn't be any more preciese. It would be the same.
we use it so the numbers are smaller. it is way quicker than rightin it all out. then we can use it for more things if they find a way.
so its shorter kind of like your mom. it dont matter. its about the same work to write the long number out or try and figure the short way out.
use scientific notation so we dont have to use such large numbers. w/scientific notation we can also right really small numbers out so they're not so many zeros. it would be more precise to write it all out but it doesn't really matter, i think so anyway.
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