Thursday, September 18, 2008


What are some of the crazy science fair ideas that you found but didn't want to do for this year?


matt said...

I discovered my science fair idea by myself. I really didn't look for one because i already had an idea i wanted to do. The one i did find also had something to do with different fertilizers.

chelsea said...

No, I didn't find any because my idea was one of the first ones i found. I'm sure there are some crazy ones out there though. There are a lot of crazy things that could be done.

crystaldragon said...

i discovered how to make a egg float, be sumbered, and sink. that would be a weirred project to do.

Kayla said...

I only looked for the topic that i wanted to do. I didnt really find any crazy ones. I mostly just looked for ones about PH and juice.

!*Liz*! said...

I didn't find any really crazy science fair ideas. I found one that tests the air but I guess SD doesn't have any air pollution. The project I'm doing to one on growing mold on bread and toast.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

I found one where you do something with soil and stuff. They were either too easy or boring. Then Chelsea and I found the one we are doing now.

Tiffany said...

I didn't find any because I already knew what i wanted to do. I didn't really have to look. I need to get a back-up plan.

The Thrill said...

It had something to do with fish. I also found another one that delt with drugs. Then there was this one that dealt with freezing live animals.

Bierman said...

I found one that had to do with ph levels in plants. I also found one on moldy bread. I didnt do that one because mold is disgusting.

rach said...

some cray science fair ideas we found but didnt want to do this year were, testing the pH of a liquid. and that being the only thing. also we found a project where we'd test to if more bacteria under your toenails or your finger nials. that was a very gross topic for science fiar idea.

SMAX said...

There were some really crazy ideas. Some were really hard, like college level. One had to do with cheicals and i dont want to do that.

chris said...

I thought of our project on my own. I didn't have to look on the internet other than for information about my topic. Our idea has to do with plants and fertilizers.