Tuesday, September 23, 2008


What are some ways that you can separate out mixtures?


matt said...

You asked this question a couple days ago. You can cook the mixture til it boils. You can let the mixture settle and it will seperate. Or you can try and pic out the pieces by hand once it settles. You can also use a filter.

The Thrill said...

Im pretty sure we already did this one so i konw the answer. You can let it settle. You can boil it. You can also use some kind of a filter system.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Well you asked this already but ok. You can boil the mixture. You can also settle it. You can use a filter.

Matt G said...

you can boil the mixture. you can let the mixture set and it could go to the bottom or to the top. You can filter it.

Anonymous said...

You can boil it. You can filter it. and you can wait untill it settles.

crystaldragon said...

you can boil some of the substances. you can let the mixture settle in the container.

chelsea said...

You can let it settle. You can boil it. You can filter it.

Kendall said...

You can boil a mixture. You can filter a mixture. And you can let it sit and wait for the different substances until they separate from the bottom and top.

Kayla said...

you can boil the mixture. You can let it set until it separates. you can use a filter to separate it.

Bierman said...

You can boil them. You can let it settle. You can filter it.

!*Liz*! said...

Mixtures can be separated a couple of ways. One, you can let the mixture settle and it will eventually separate. Two, you can boil the mixture. And three, you can filter it out using your own hands or a special untensil.

bean said...

you can filter it. letting it settle would also work. matt you can shut the h up

chris said...

You can boil it until it is separated. You can just let it sit until they separate on its own. You can also use a filter.

SMAX said...

you coould use the boilsing method to mix it. you could use the mixer that they have on CSI. you can also use a filter.

rach said...

a few ways that you can separate mixtures are by boiling. by filtering. and also by letting the mixtures settle and gathering the top part.