Monday, September 22, 2008

The Law

What does the law of conservation of mass state and how do we use it in chemistry?


Anonymous said...

It states that mass is neither created or destroyed.We use it because the mass of substances produced by a chemical reaction has to equal the mass of the reacting substances.

crystaldragon said...

the law states that mass is neither created nor destroyed. we use it because of the mass of the substances produced by a chemical reaction have has to egual to the mass of the reacting substances.

Bierman said...

it states that mass is not created or destroyed. We use it in chemical reactions. We use to find the amount of mass in something.

Kendall said...

It states that mass in neither created or destroyed. The mass of substances produced by a chemical reaction have to equal the mass of the reacting substances.

Kayla said...

It states that the mass is neither created or destroyed. We use it because the mass of substances produced by a chemical reaction has to equal the mass of the reacting substances.

chris said...

The law states that mass cannot be created or destroyed. You use it in chemical reactions. The mass of a substance produced by a chemical reaction has to equal the mass of the reacting substance.

The Thrill said...

It states that mass canot be created or destroyed. We used it with chemical reactions. It has to equal the mass of the reacting substances.

bean said...

mas cant be created. it also says it cant be destroyed. mass only changes form.

matt said...

It states the anything that has mass cannot be created or destroyed. We can use it in science experiments to know that our material may have not disappeared it might of just changed. We use it also to help us compare the masses when they have a chemical reaction.

chelsea said...

This states that mass is neither created or destroyed. This has to equal the mass of the reacting substances. We use it because the mass of substances are produced by a chemical reaction

..::..Fair..::.. said...

It states that mass is neither created nor destoryed. You use it for like chemical reactions. It is equal to the mass of the reacting substance.

SMAX said...

MAss in netiher created nor destroyed i can only change form. We use it the mass of substances produced by a chemical reaction. It is a law made for mass.

Matt G said...

states that mass is neither created or destroyed. it can only be change. the mass of substances produced by a chemical reaction has to equal the mass of the reacting substances.

!*Liz*! said...

Mass is neither created or destroyed. We deal a with a lot of different kinds of mass. We do not destroy mass just like the law states. We also use it wit hthe mass of substances produced by a chemical reaction which has to equal the mass of the reacting substances.