Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ideal Gas Law

What is the Ideal Gas Law? Why is it referred to as the Ideal Gas Law? And how does it differ from the other gas laws?


tyler haaland said...

There is an ideal gas constant. Therefore, the ideal gas law describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas in terms of the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles present in gas. So those are the 4 things that describes gases.

karlen said...

The ideal gas law describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas. They do this by determining the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles that are present in that gas. That is what the ideal gas law is.

Richard said...

the ideal gas law describes the behavior of an ideal gas in terms of pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles present in gas. there is an ideal constant in it. it uses everything plus the number of moles present.

Reeber said...

The ideal gas law is PV=nRT. This describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas in terms of the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of gas present. In the ideal gas equation, the value of R depends on the units used for pressure.

tara said...

The Ideal Gas Law describes the phsical behavior of gas. It determinds the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles. That describes Ideal Gas Law

streckfuss said...

It describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas. They do this by determining the pressure, volume, temp, and number of gas milecules. It is fun.

Anonymous said...

The ideal gas law describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas. They do this by determining the pressure, temperatrue, number of moles, and volume that is/are present in the gas. It's useful when your finding stuff out about gasses.

Turbo_18 said...

The ideal gas lwa describes the physical behovior of an ideal gas in terms of the pressure, volume, temp., and the number of moles of gas present. It is one whose particles take up no space and have no intermolecular attractive forces.

aaron peterson said...

It is an equation that you can use to determine the state of an amount of gas. It is determined by pressure, volume, and temperature. It is the Ideal Gas Law because it tells you almost all the basic information of a gas in one equation.

amanda said...

The ideal gas law is the behavior of an ideal gas in terms of pressure, volume, temp, and the number of moles present. It describes the physical behavior of the gas. It is different because it uses a constant.

junger said...

It talks about the physical behavior of an ideal gas in terms of the pressure. It determines presure, volume, and number of moles.

kelseyr. said...

The ideal gas law describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas. You must figure out the pressure, temperature, volume, and number of moles present in the gas. The equation is PV=nRT.

Taylor S. Armstrong said...

The ideal gas law decribes the physical behavior of an ideal gas. the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles that are present in that gas is determined. That is what the ideal gas law is.

BiG Goehring said...

Ideal gas law describes the physical behavior of a ideal gas. The keys terms for this is presssure, volume, temperature, and number of moles present in gas. This does have an ideal constant. It uses up pretty much everything plus the number of moles present.

bertsch said...

There is an ideal gas constant. It describes a behaviors of the ideal or perfect conditions for the gas.

Kelsey M. said...

The ideal gas law describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas. The eqation is PV=nTR. It shows the temperature, the constant, volume, pressure, and the number of moles.

jacob ochsner said...

The ideal gas law describes the behavior of ideal gases.This is done by figuring the pressure, temperatrue, number of moles, and volume. It's useful when your finding different things about gasses.