Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gas Law

I would like you to pick a gas law and explain how it could apply it to something that you would use in the summer.


Anonymous said...

I would use Boyle's law to figure out how much pressure would be in my pickup's cab. I would calculate the volume by the pressure to know the pressure on my windows. I don't know why i would need to know that, but i think that would work.

Rylee said...

I could use Charle's Law during the summer. It can help me to figure out the temperature outside and the things around me. It would help me during the summer if I ever needed it.

Reeber said...

I could probably use Boyle's law. You can use the pressure and volume to see how much air to put in a basketball. That will help it get the perfect pressure in it.

mike goetz said...

I would use Boyle's law to figure out how much pressure would be in my car. I would want to know the pressure on my windows. That way I can find out at what tempiture my window would blow out or some thing like that.

Mindy said...

I would pick Charle's Law, because this law could help me find out what the temperature is outside, and how hot the cement, ground, ect. is.

Richard said...

i would use charle's law for the summer and winter. I would use it to help me figued out the temperature in my car during both seasons. I don't know why i need to know it but it would be cool just to do it.

karlen said...

I would like to use Charle's law through out the summer. THis is because than i could know what to wear when im outside. Whether i should wear shorts or pants or what not.

BiG Goehring said...

I would choice Boyle's Law. I would like to find out the pressure and volume of something instead of just the temperature outside. It would be cool to see how much pressure a ball would have on a very hot day.

amanda said...

I would pick Boyles law. I could figure out the pressure in my tires. Also how the relates to the temp outside.

kelseyr. said...

I would used Charles' Law during the summer. It can help us find out the temperature outside. It can also help me to find out the temperature of water and other things around me.

aaron peterson said...

I would use Boyle's Law to help determine the oil pressure in a piece of machinery. This is important for hydralauics especially. You also need to know have the right oil pressure for your engine to run right without blowing up or being damaged.

jacob ochsner said...

I picked Boyles Law. It will affect something i will do in the summer. It will affect when i apply chemical when spraying.