Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today's Lab

What was the reaction that occurred in today's lab? How does this experiment relate to observing a limiting reactant? What was your limiting reactant?


tara said...

Today in our lab it created bubbles that made foggy water. It also got warm on the bottom of the test tube. It shows how much magnesium was left after the reaction had occured.

streckfuss said...

In todays lab we seen how magnesium would react with HCl. It created bubbles and started to fog. HCl is the limiting reactant. Magnesium is the excess because there is still some left.

Reeber said...

Our magnesium started to bubble and fizz. It got a little warm on the bottom. It was a reaction between the magnesium and the HCl.

Taylor S. Armstrong said...

In today lab we seen how magnesium would react with the other chemical of HCl. It started to creat bubbles and started to fog. HCl is the limiting reactant. Magnesium is the excess because there is still some left.

junger said...

It bubbled and fizzed. It was a chemical reaction. The limiting reactant was HCL.

BiG Goehring said...

In our lab are magnesium bubbled from the HCl. It got warm at the bottom. The reaction was between HCl and magnesium. HCl was the the limiting reactant.

kelseyr. said...

The reaction that occured was Mg and HCl. It created bubbles and started to fogg. It got hott on the bottom where the reaction was.

Rylee said...

We got to see how Magnesium wouold react with hydrochloric acid. It reacted by fogging up and it started to foam. Magnesium was the excess reactant and HCl was the limiting reactant.

Richard said...

the reaction was Mg + HCl. it shows that if you still see the Mg strip it is excess. the limiting was the HCl

karlen said...

Our lab created bubbles and this made the HCl foggy becaus eof the bubbles. HCl was our limiting reactant. Magnesium is the excess because there is still some left.

aaron peterson said...

In our lab the magnesium bubbled and slowly disolved. This shows how the corrisive the hydrocholoric acid. Some of the magnesium was left over so that means it is the excess reactant and the hydrocholoric acid is the limiting reactant.

Turbo_18 said...

Todays lab had bubbles and it was foggy to. Ours got cold really clod on the bottom of test tube. There was still left over magnesium so that was the excess.

jacob ochsner said...

It was a single replacement reaction. It shows which is limiting. HCl was limiting.

Kelsey M. said...

HCl was the limiting reactant. The Magnesium reacted with the HCl. It created bubbles and it fizzed.

tyler haaland said...

So, the mixture of Mg and 3HCl made a violent bubble reaction. That turned into a nasty fizzing. Finally, after all that horror, it settled down and the whole class was grateful. Then, just when we thought it was over, we stuck another ribbon in and it all started again.

bertsch said...

IT reacted and made bubbles. HCl is the limiting. Magnesium was the excess.

amanda said...

The reaction was between HCl and Mg. Magnesium bubbled and then dissolved slowly. HCl is the limiting reactant. The Magnesium was left over and the HCl was used up.

Anonymous said...

Today in our lab the magnesium disolved. I expected a more violent reaction. Magnesium is usually violent and that's why it is used in fireworks. To be honest i was a little bit dissapointed.

mike goetz said...

To days lab was a single replacement reaction. The reaction between MG and HCL produced MGCL2 and H2. during the reaction bubles formed on the magnessium ribbon

Mindy said...

In our lab, when we put the magnesium strip into the HCL, it started to form bubbles. The bottom started to get a little bit warm also. HCL was our limiting reactant, and Magnesium was the excess.