Wednesday, February 18, 2009


What did you learn from lab today?


The Thrill said...

I learned that moles can be differenct for different substances. It is all because of their masses. Thats what i learned in the whole lab. It was fun.

Anonymous said...

I learned how to convert the mass of something into moles. I learned that not only elements can be measured in moles. That's what I learned in the lab today.

bean said...

I learned that a mol is a very precise unit of measure. It allows elements to change the size of the mole for their individual mass. Also Avogadro's number is very important to determining a mole.

chris said...

I learned that moles can be different than each other. For example a carbon mole can be different than a hydorgen mole. It is beause they dont have the same mass.

chris said...

I learned that moles can be different than each other. For example a carbon mole can be different than a hydorgen mole. It is beause they dont have the same mass.

Kendall said...

I learned how the different substances can have different amounts of moles. They are like that because you use their masses. Thats what the lab was about