Friday, January 23, 2009


What did you learn from the activity?


The Thrill said...

I learned how to do the dot structure. I also learned how to pick the molecular shape. It was a very productive class.

chris said...

I learned how to identify molecular shapes. I learned how to bond atoms. We got to make molecular shapes from pipe cleaner and paper.

bean said...

i learned how to cut circles. and i sniffed a marker. i might be high right now. i learned how to cut hair.

Kendall said...

i learned how to do a dot structure for the molecules. I also learned how to decide which shapes were for the different molecules. Then i learned how to make them with paper and pipe cleaners.

SMAX said...

I learned how to identify molecular shapes. I learned how to bond atoms. We got to make molecular shapes from pipe cleaner and paper