Friday, December 5, 2008


Explain how a television screen works?


Anonymous said...

Almost all of the tvs used today use the cathode ray tube to display the images. There is a conductive coating inside the tube to soak up the electrons that pile up at the screen-end of the tube. The tubes are wrapped in coils of wires. the coils create magnetic fields inside the tube and the electron beam responds to the fields.

The Thrill said...

Tvs use cathode ray tube. They produce the image. The productive tube get alot of electrons. The tubes are full of coils of wire.

bean said...

they use cathode ray tubes. the cathode ray tube produces the images. the tubes are full of coils of wire.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

A tv screen uses a cathode ray tube. The cathode ray makes the pictures to show up. The coating on the tube soaks up the electrons. The tube is full of wires.

Kendall said...

Tv's use a cathode ray tube. This tube displays an image by having a conductive coating inside the tube. It has lots of electrons in it. There are lots of coils and wires in the tube as well.

chris said...

They use the cathode ray tube. It collects electrons inside the tube. The tubes are wrapped in coils of wire that create a magnetic field inside the tube. The beam responds to this field.

Kayla said...

They use cathode ray tubes. These tubes makes images. The tubes are filled with coils of wires that make the tv work.

Tiffany said...

They use cathode ray tubes. There is a conduit inside the tubes that fill up with electrons. the electrons gather at the screen end of the tubes.

crystaldragon said...

there are somemany different tv types out there. digital, high deth, cable tv, they all have different wave sorces to get an signle from.

Bierman said...

It uses the cathode ray tube. It then displays an image. Then you can sit on your couch and watch it.

matt said...

Almost all of the tvs use a cathode ray tube. It was created by William crookes. It uses and electrons to ignite gases in the tube which makes a picture.

Bierman said...

They use a cathode ray tube. The tube produces a ray of electrons. It then goes to the television screen.

SMAX said...

Tvs use cathode ray tube. They produce the image. The productive tube get alot of electrons. The tubes are full of coils of wire.