Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Who is Antoine Lavoisier and what did he do for science?


Anonymous said...

The concept of the finite nature of matter was first introduced by Antoine Lavoisier during the 18th century. He discovered that even though matter can change its form or shape the mass always stays the same. He was a French noble prominent in the histories of chemistry and biology.

Tiffany said...

Antoine Lavoisier was a french noble that made hughe contributions to chemistry and biology. He wrote the first law of conservation of mass, recognized and Oxygen and Hydrogen, introduced the metric system, and wrote the first extensive list of elements. Because of his high political status before the French Revolution, he was beheaded.

The Thrill said...

Antoine Lavoisier was a french noble. He was a chemists. He worte teh law of conseravtion of mass. He also wrote some list of elements.

matt said...

He was a guy that was a french noble. He dicovered that matters mass alway stays the same repectively. He also is prominent in biology and chemistry.

Matt G said...

he was a french noble that made hughe contributions to chemistry and biology. he also wrote some list of elements. he was beheaded.

chelsea said...

He discovered that matter can change its form or shape but the mass always stays the same. He was French. He studied the histories of chemistry and biology.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Antoine Lavoisier was a French scientist. He compiled a list of the elements at that time. There were 23 elements in all back then.

SMAX said...

Antoine Lavoisier was a french noble. He was a chemists. He worte teh law of conseravtion of mass. He also wrote some list of elements.

Kayla said...

He was a French noble. He wrote the law of conservation of mass. He was a chemist who also wrote some lists of elements.

rach said...

Antoine Lavoisier discovered that matter can change its form or shape but the mass always stays the same. he was a french man. he also studied the histories of chemistry and biology.

Kendall said...

Antoine Lavoisier was a french noble. He was the person who wrote the law of conservation of mass. He aslo introduced the metric system.