Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Human Genome

What did you learn about the human genome project?


Matt G said...

i learnd that are is alot of quetsion a it. like how is it going to get used. there is other one on who will have the conterol of it.

crystaldragon said...

I learned that this subject has a lot of dowt and mestery to it. A lot of people are for it and a lot of people are against it. there is a lot of ways to go.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

I learned that there are a lot of different issues concerning the Human Genome project. Some social issues that I learned were that if the scientists are going too far on some tests or if they are going against the religous views. There are a lot of different things that scientists have to consider.

Kendall said...

I learned that the human genome project could be viewed as unethical by some people because it involves cloning. There are alot of ethical, social, and legal issues that have to be considered by the scientists before they can consider it completely. Some poeple think they might be going too far with some of the experiments.

Kayla said...

I learned alot about the human genome project. There are some ethical issues about the whole project which is making it hard for scientist to do the project. I also know that it involves cloning and thats the main reason why peoplea are so up tight about the whole situation.

chelsea said...

I learned that the cloning part of the HGP is seen as unethical to some people. I also learned that in DNA studies it doesn't show a difference in genes between different races. There are also some social issues with the HGP and whether it is going against some religious views.

Anonymous said...

I learned that there are a lot of different ways of looking at it. There are different opinions. Some people think that it is good and helps people out. Others think that it is bad and doesn't help. There are some ethical and unethical ways for the human genome project.

The Thrill said...

I took a long time to complete. It is very complicated. There are also alot of different ethical problems dealing with it. Alot of people have different views about it.

bean said...

somepeopleliie kit and some dont.
some things are good and some are bad.
then a dog died.
sad story.

rach said...

the human genome project had its many ups and downs. some people think the hgp was unethical. there has been many other issues such as legal, ethical, and social issues about the project. and there are many other different things that scientists have to consider.

matt said...

I learned that there was a project started to map the entire human genome. Many people were against it because they didn't know who would have access to their personal info. They were worried that insurance companies could raise the health insurance becuase they have a trace of a disease in their blood.

!*Liz*! said...

The Human Genome Project is a very intense subject. There is so much potential for it; good and unfortunately bad. But there's so much research out there on it and there was so many experiments on it. Its just amazing how they mapped out every human genome and can find mutations or any simple gene that's so microscopic.