Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Who is Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin?


tyler haaland said...

She was gthe British founder of protein crystallography. She was born May 12, 1910. She died at the age of 84.

karlen said...

She discovered the structure of penicillin and vitamin b12. She won a nobel peace prize in chemistry for discoverying those. She died in July 29th of 1994

streckfuss said...

She found crystallography. She was a british scientist. She was bonr in 1910 sometime.

kelseyr. said...

Dorothy Hodgkin was born in Cairo in May 1910. She discovered the structure of penicillin. He was a great lady!

tara said...

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin won the Nobel Peace Prize inm 1964. She combined both archeology and chemistry. She was born on May 12, 1910.

Richard said...

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkins was a British founder of protein crystallography. She was known as Dorothy Mary Crowfoot. She died at the age of 84.

mike goetz said...

She discovered the structure of penicillin and vitamin B-12. She won a nobel peace prize in chemistry for discoverying those. She died in July 29th of 1994

Kelsey M. said...

Dorothy was a British founder of protien crystallophography. She won a noble prize in Chemistry. She was born on May 12th.

bertsch said...

She was the founder of protien. SHe was from England. SHe won the nobel peace prize.

junger said...

She was a British founder of protein crystallography. She pioneered the technique of X-ray crystallography.

Rylee said...

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin poineered the technique of x-ray crystallography. It was used to determine the three dimensional structure of biomolecules. She also won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.

amanda said...

Dorothy was a British founder of protein crystallography. She pioneered the technique of x-ray crystallography. She also won the Noble Prize for chemistry.

jacob ochsner said...

She was a brit. SHe was born on May 12, 1910. She died at 84. SHe founded crystallography.