Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Its Over

Looking back on last night what was something that you could have done differently which may have had a different outcome for your project. Also what was the coolest project that you saw which was not your own?


Reeber said...

We could have maye brought something to put in the front of the project. There wasn't really a favorite project, that one with the spinning thing was really cool. I thought the WOW science was kinda cool too.

BiG Goehring said...

I thought Reeber and I needed to show are project in front of the judges. So we needed to bring in the dry ice and electricity. I thought the coolest one was OPPS... I soiled myself. Just because of the name and it got first in its division.

Mindy said...

I thought we could've maybe explained our project more, and tested more people. We also could've had pictures or something. I thought "Got Germs?" was a really good project, just because it was very neat, and it looked good.

kelseyr. said...

I could have done more trails. Also I think we should have researched more and rehersed it. The coolest project was the one with the feet.

tyler haaland said...

I think my partner and i did everything in our power to win the hardware. The fact that we didnt win a thing is in the judges hands. I believe Hix may have given them a bribe but that is just me. The coolesty project (except for my partner's and I's projects) would be Jacob's and Brad's wind thing, which also didnt get a fair chance at a chance to shine. Us 4 got had big time!!

Anonymous said...

I probably would have explained my project better. From what i heard, one of the judges was confused about my project. I think Michelle Rogers' project was the coolest. I knew she was going to win the whole time.

Richard said...

I think that i did pretty good. I presented the project very well. I felt more confident also. The coolest project was OOOPS...I soild myself.

streckfuss said...

I think the coolest project i saw was brad and jakes. We could have handed the judges our booklet. We could have explained our project more.

Rylee said...

I think we could have tested more people on our project so that way we could have had better results in our project. We could have explained our survey a lot more. I thought the Got Germs? project was good and very well organized.

karlen said...

I think we could have brought the batteries that we used. The wow science was was a cool thing. I also liked some of the bow and arrow tests that people did.

aaron peterson said...

I think we should have rehearsed it more. We could have also brought in our soybeans. The coolest project was the wind power by ox and brad. They put alot of work into it.

Turbo_18 said...

I think that I could have more trials and different clothings. I thought that the little kids valcanoes. My sister had to show me hers when I saw her last night.

karlen said...

i love men

Taylor S. Armstrong said...

I think that we should have explained our project a little bit more, but we got 1st so Im glad with what we did. I thought that the project that Chad and Travis did was really cool.

junger said...

We probably could of explained ourselves better. But other than that I thought that we did everything right. I didnt really pay attention to other poeples projects.

tara said...

Amanda and I could have presented our project more thouroughly to explain the concepts. We didn't explain what the antibiotics were to the judges and they may have been confused. I thought that Michelle's was a cool and interesting project as well.

karlen said...
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