Friday, March 28, 2008

Good Job

I would like to say that I'm very proud of all of you that went to science fair yesterday. Mr. Jung filled me in last night and great job to everyone. On today's topic. Give me a little high light for your element and what are the properties ect... Have a great weekend everyone..


Reeber said...

I decided to name my element kind of after one of the president candidates. The name of it is McCainium. It burns at really high temperatures.

karlen said...

I really had no clue to what to name my element. So i came up with Jopolen. It is an object like gasoline but it is in the bottom of the oil fields and it is very cheap to get and burn in your cars. The symbol for it is Jp.

streckfuss said...

The name of my element is Opian. I have no clue what it does yet. It will do somethig with explodin, or something along those lines.

BiG Goehring said...

My element is zerogen. Its a clear element like water. It does not evaporant like water. It can be only mixed with gases because if it is mixed with another liquid it will explode or kill the person who put it in and everyone in the room at the time.

mike goetz said...

I still need to name it and stuff

tara said...

My element that i came up with is byiiby. It is somewhat made by diffusion because it moves throughout different materials. A barometer was used to measure the different temperatures.

Kelsey M. said...

My element name is Maranium. It is a crystalline solid. It is also has surface tension.

Rylee said...

My element is sort of like a crystal. It is a solid and can only melt at very high temperatures. It is called crystalloid.

Mindy said...

I named my element recnac. And it is two elements mixed together. It's a type of gas, and it cant change form.

amanda said...

My element is called Sauertone. It has properties like mercury. It is a liquid and is really cool and will change the world!

Turbo_18 said...

Mine is called Carsfur. It has a mix of carbon and sulfur. Im not quite sure what it is goin to be able to do yet.

Richard said...

Well my element name is Tallegium. I don't know how i thought of it.
It is a metal at room temperature. It has a melting point of 4700K.

aaron peterson said...

I have an element named Americanese because it is about time America gets an element of its own. It is really dense and heavy. It is a metal used to build ships, buildings, and other things like that.

bertsch said...

Mines Bertschentine. ITs pretty much the greatest element ever in the world.