Thursday, March 27, 2008


So how is everything going? How did science fair go? Just on update would be great!!


Reeber said...

It's going great. Were working on like a lot of homework. The packet is a little hard, very confusing though.

BiG Goehring said...

I feel everything is going pretty good. All I have left is the packet to do. I'm not going to science fair so I don't know. I hope they do good though.

streckfuss said...

It is going prett good. I have the packet ot do yet, because it is confusing. I wrote my paper on Ludwig Boltzmann. I am going to write my element paper thing today.

karlen said...

Class is going pretty good. The packet i really dont get how to do that. Otherwise the papers are prettye asy to write they jsut take time to write them.

Taylor S. Armstrong said...

It going good. Im at science fair and we just got done getting judged so we will see what happened. Everything is just fine.

Rylee said...

I think its going good. I have both my paper done that are due friday. I have part of my packet done and I should be able to get that done too.

Kelsey M. said...

Everything is going pretty good. I don't understand 13.2 in the packet. Other than that everything is pretty simple.

Richard said...

Everythng is going pretty good. The packet is kind of hard though. The paper and the new element was pretty easy to do.

kelseyr. said...

Everything is going ok. I have everything done, except the packet. The packets are pretty though in some parts.

bertsch said...

No science fair. BUt if i was there we'd have 1st place already.

tyler haaland said...

I would agree with my partner BRandon. Had the judges not been so against me and brandon's religion we would have won. Then we would have gone to science fair and won there too. It would have been a glorious afternoon had me and my affiliate Brandon not gotten held down by the man.

tara said...

Its going good. Some of the questions in the booklet we were confused on but we figured most of them out. Science fair went pretty good also. Nothing to major happened.

Mindy said...

Class is going good, we have been working on our article, our element paper, and our packets. I have my two papers done, now i just have to do the packet.

aaron peterson said...

Science fair went well. It was alot of fun. Unfortunately, our science bowl team lost barely in the first two rounds.

jacob ochsner said...

Its going good. I went to Science Fair. It was fun.

amanda said...

It is going good. We pretty much rocked it at science fair! No not really, but we did win something for a people liking our board.