After the first today of presentations did you walk away with an idea of something that you could have done differently to help improve your project. Even if you didn't go to day you should have an idea of something that you could use to make your project better.
I feel like my partner and I we should have done more places. We should have measured the length of the plants. I think we should have done more trial too.
I walked away with more ideas to go by when we present. I am aware of questions that could be asked when we are presenting. We could have looked at the auger for more weeks.
I didn't have to go today, but it helped me to get an idea of what to make better. My partner and I should include more information. We also didn't have somethings on our board that others did.
In our experiment I think Reeber and I should do more on measuring our water, dry ice, volts, and stuff like that. Also we have to find what it is good for and bad for are economy.
Mike and I didn't go today but i did walk away with ideas of how to improve our project. We could have done more tests with other liquids.
I feel after presenting today, that we should have done more samples. We should have researched more about the different types of mold. We will definately work to make our project better.
After watching the presentations today I learned a lot. It gave me some ideas of improving my project. We could have used more bodies of water and put some more pictures on our board.
After presenting I think that there are some things that my partner and could have done better. We could have done more fruits and vegetables and see how they react to the temperatures. We also should have done more trials than we did to get more accurate results.
I think that me and Jake can do more run throughs and trials. Once we get our bigger model done it should help us to see what we are doing alot better because its all on a larger scale.
I think we should have tested more people. We should hvae started sooner. MOre trials.
We need to re-do our project, measure the amount of stuff we used. See if there was a change in mass for the dry ice. That will probably help it more
I think that we should have had more tests and more check points.
My partner and I should have done more trials. Before science fair we are going to continue growing the plants so they can be shown at science fair. We will also include our soil composition is our booklet not just on the board.
We should do more trials. That would help. We should do like 10
I feel as if my partner and i could have done the whole project better. The board...was crap. The experiment...could be better. However, we were good.
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