Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chemical Equations

Why do we need to balance a chemical equations? Is it really that important, why or why not?


BiG Goehring said...

We need to balance chemical equations so that a reaction will occur. This will make fun experiments kind of like yesturdays lab. Some didn't have a reaction, but this how life is on how scientists figure out chemical equations.

streckfuss said...

Yes, I think that balancing equaitons is very important. When we balace chemical equations different tyes of reactions will occur. The lab we did yesterday showed us that. I would not like to balance them all the time. Chad, learn how to sepll and make senteces make that sense.

karlen said...

We need to balance chemical equations because if they dont balance you wont get a chemical equatoin from them. You can see this in the lab that we did yesterday. It wouldnt be fun to be a scientist and have to balance chemical equations all of the time though.

Reeber said...

Yes, it is important. If we did not balance our equations there would be no reaction that would happen. When doing a balancing equations, they have to be equal or they might not work.

Mindy said...

I think it is important. Because if you dont balance the chemical equation, you dont get a chemical reaction. And if you do balance the equation, you will get a reaction. You can get different types of reactions by balancing different chemical equations.

bertsch said...

It is very important to balance equations. When you balance equations you will get the reaction. If you don't you will get something completely different or nothing at all

Turbo_18 said...

For a reaction to occur you need to have balance chemical equations. Chemical is a statement that uses chemical formulas to show the identities and relative amounts of the substances involved in a chemical reaction. In Chemical equations have a number written in front of a reactant or product which is called coefficient.

tara said...

I think that we need to balance chemical equations because if they aren't balanced nothing will happen. It is important because with different reactions there are different equations and they need to be balanced.

amanda said...

Yes. I think that balancing equations is very important. We balance equations to get the right product or reaction to occur. If you don't balance the equation the reaction won't occur.

junger said...

hello everyone

Richard said...

We need to balance the chemical equations so that a reaction can occur. Yes it is important because if we don't balance the equation then we won't know how much of each material to combine together and our experiments will not work.

junger said...

When we balace chemical equations different tyes of reactions will occur. You need to balance things to get the right equations. Thats why its so important to balance equations so that everything works out.

Rylee said...

I think it is good to balance chemical equations because then you are able to understand how they elements balance with eachother. You get to see whether an element really will react with another element and you get to see what that becomes. I really don't like learn about it, but it is nice to know how to do it.

kelseyr. said...

Balancing chemical equation is vital when you are trying to make a reaction occur. I think it is important to balance equations. If you don't do this then the reaction will not occur.

tyler haaland said...

I have two sides to this. Balancing equations is very important. However, it is very long and boring. But, i still think we should have to do it because its important.

mike goetz said...

If the equastion is not balaced there will be no chemical reaction. just like the lab we did some had a reaction some didn't. and as lond as its on paper it is nout that hard to understand

Anonymous said...

It is important. If we didn't balance the equations, they wouldn't make any sense. We need to know that you can't, for example, make just one molecule of water at a time, you would have to make two.

jacob ochsner said...

It is very important to balance chemical equations. If we would not do this things would not make sence. Like invadecanada said, It is also important to know what elements can stand alone.

aaron peterson said...

We need to balance equations. If we did not there would not be enough or too many atoms for the inputs and outputs. If equatons are not balanced they do not trully show what happens in a chemical reaction.

Kelsey M. said...

Yes, balancing equations is very important in chemistry. We need to balance equations to see if there will be a reaction. Sometimes there's not and it won't react if it isn't balanced.